Father Stewart's Thought for the Week

Father Stewart's Thought for the Week

23rd November 2014

Next Week A New Year So…
Something New & Something Old

Next week is Advent Sunday, the beginning of a new Church Year. Just as with January 1st, our new year is a time of renewal and new beginnings.
Over the last months and year, there have been among others, two things I’ve given much thought about, and have finally come to a decision. The first is to something new, the second concerns a re-introduction.


Some time ago I moved the lamp showing the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, from the position in one of the two candle holders in the sanctuary, to next to the tabernacle itself. This followed my concern that, in many Churches, sanctuary lamps are used in side chapels and placed by statues (as well as other places) which can sometimes make it unclear as to where the Blessed Sacrament is kept. Since we have two tabernacles in our church and an ambry (a safe/tabernacle built into the wall) and our lamp was some distance from the tabernacle. it seemed sensible to make it more obvious by moving the lamp next to it. Whilst we know where the sacrament is, it may not be so clear for visitors This, however, meant that both lamp holders were now unused, so what to do?
As I’ve already said, I’ve now come up with a solution.

From Advent Sunday 2 lamps will be permanently lit for the Holy Souls. They will be paid for by the offerings put in the November List envelopes. A notice will appear weekly in the newsletter as a reminder of their purpose.

One of my pet hates is that so many of our Churches are kept closed. In the past we always kept the porch open for private prayer. Following some vandalism and then a number of incidents when people were using it as a public toilet (!!!) we felt we had no choice but to close it, so unpleasant it was,
Given that this is now some time ago and hopefully people have changed, from Advent we will open the porch from about 8.00 – 5.30 daily, except Sundays when it will close after the last mass or baptism. I hope people will understand that this may need to be to a certain extent a little flexible as it depends on me being around to open and close the church.
A notice will be permanently placed in the newsletter.


St Bridgets Parish


Our Lady of Sorrows and St Bridget of Sweden,
Memorial Square,
112 Twickenham Road,





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