Father Stewart's Thought for the Week

Father Stewart's Thought for the Week

8th March 2015


Let us not forget them
This week I have become aware that 2 or 3 fairies won’t be around during Holy Week. We also don’t have enough fairies at the 10.00am Mass (please see the notice elsewhere in the newsletter).

As a result this will cause problems and in the latter’s case, there could be consequences that will affect many children. This highlights the importance of the role of fairies in church. Given this I think it’s time that we do pay tribute to our fairies; as it is a couple of years since we’ve done this. It’s time we gave them some thought.
You think they are made up?  No, No.

Fairies exist; they must do!

The thing about fairies is that they are rarely noticed, but they are always busy; you just have to look.
When we come to Mass in our clean, beautiful church we come, quite rightly to meet and worship God.  But this would be impossible without the fairies. Who are these fairies? Well, we give them names; unremarkable names, which don’t begin to describe how important they are.

Names like cleaners, florists, sacristans, servers, musicians, readers, catechists, Eucharistic ministers, secretary, money collectors & counters and those who go to the bank.  Then there are committees and groups, whether it’s communications, finance or parish pastoral council. Those who organise the Christmas fair etc etc etc and the list can go on and on.

The truth is, things just don’t happen. Lots of people behind the scenes do lots of work, without which there would be no Church or parish.  We take them so much for granted, it’s as if we assume everything happens by magic, it’s done by fairies!!

So let us give them some thanks for the work of the fairies and please consider being one yourself when the need arises.


St Bridget’s

Dear Fairies
Thank you for everything you do. 
With love and prayers

Everyone in the parish

St Bridgets Parish


Our Lady of Sorrows and St Bridget of Sweden,
Memorial Square,
112 Twickenham Road,





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