Father Stewart's Blog

Father Stewart



Father Stewart writing a weekly column in his own inimitable style

21st December 2014

Leading To The Christmas Crib Appeal:  THE PASSAGE
“You Did It To Me”
One of the great things that happens at Christmas is the opening up of centres for the homeless to go and spend Christmas. Not only do they get a roof over their heads and a Christmas Dinner, but there are plenty of other services on offer; from a shower and new clothing to access to a doctor and a chiropodist.
Yet, as wonderful as the services provided are, they are just temporary. Once Christmas ends the service ends and it’s back to normal.

14th December 2014

Be Joyful In Good Times and Bad

Gaudete Sunday with its call, “to be joyful” begins to turn our attention towards the celebration of Christmas. Being “joyful” was one of the hallmarks of the early Christians: it was how even their enemies saw them. It’s something that remained even during times of dreadful persecution. What was their secret?

30th November 2014

Happy New Year

Advent Sunday is the beginning of our new Christian year. Unlike the beginning of our calendar year, there will be no parties, no count down to midnight. Indeed most people won’t even notice it’s begun!

7th December 2014

The Person Of Christ
The Jewish longed for the coming of the Messiah. When he came, many did not recognise him as he didn’t fit the glorious all conquering figure they expected.
But what of us, how do we see the Messiah? Because as Christians we believe Jesus was and is the Messiah or “Christ” – the Greek word for Messiah. To be a Christian means we believe God became flesh; he became one of us. How do we see him, think of him?

23rd November 2014

Next Week A New Year So…
Something New & Something Old

Next week is Advent Sunday, the beginning of a new Church Year. Just as with January 1st, our new year is a time of renewal and new beginnings.
Over the last months and year, there have been among others, two things I’ve given much thought about, and have finally come to a decision. The first is to something new, the second concerns a re-introduction.

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St Bridgets Parish


Our Lady of Sorrows and St Bridget of Sweden,
Memorial Square,
112 Twickenham Road,





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