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Parish Newsletter
5th April 2015 (the next newsletter will be for 19th April)
Lead items:
Thank you
To all who have helped make the Holy Week and Easter Services so beautiful. Special Thanks to the musicians, cleaners, those who did the flowers, servers and those who helped in anyway. I will as usual during Easter Week, be away with HCPT from Monday 6th to Monday 13th April. I will of course remember you at all the Masses and in my prayers at the Grotto.Thank you as ever to Fr David who will be looking after you whilst I’m away.
Finally and very importantly on behalf of my family, Fr David and Marie in the office, may I wish you a very Happy Easter.
New Planned Giving Boxes
These are available now on the table in the porch. They are in alphabetical order and the same number as last year's. They commence 12th April. If your box is not there please sign the missing boxes list or if you wish to join the planned giving scheme please put your details on the same sheet.
Thank you
Confirmation Classes
Next meeting for the candidates is Wednesday 15th April at 7.30pm in the hall.
First Holy Communion 2015
The next meeting in the church Wednesday 15th April at 6.25pm.
Children’s Liturgy
We are desperately short of Liturgists to help with the Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00am Mass. This has got to the point where it is realistically unsustainable. So we will continue as we are until Easter, but we only revive after the break if we have more help.
St Bridget’s Growing in Faith Campaign
To find out more, please contact your Mass representative from the Parish Leadership Team:
Pauline Cooper (6.00pm Mass) – 07752 413859;
Jo Rowthorn (8.00am Mass) – 07971 322240;
Therease Bright (10.00am Mass) – 07455 003597;
Christine Cattini (12.00pm Mass) – 07724 089174.
Copies of the Cardinal’s letter are available in the porch.